Labels:book | cell phone | daily | person | poster | reckoner OCR: 19 Eat: Click on food packet, then bring over your character's face and right-click to eat. Keep Items Ready to Throw: Keep weapons for throwing in the belt pouch An item in the belt pouch is transferred to the hand when the character attacks with a thrown weapon Ready an Item: Left-click on an item, move the item over the box representing your character's hand, and left-click again to put it in place Scribe Scrolls: Left-click on the scroll you wish to scribe move it on top of the spellcaster's spellbook and right-click to scribe the scroll. If the spell is already the spellbook the scroll is not scribed second time; instead the scroll is placed where spellbook the is spellbook selected. was and the over Store the Items: backpack, Click on and an click item, tO place carry inside Items in ...